[Yamatogawa] Tayu Tayu

Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
A Yamatogawa Classic has a Bouncy Return!

After eight long years, Reiji has returned to his smalltown childhood home to live his life as a bachelor in his final year of school. It might be dusty and neglected, but he's got two beautiful cuties looking to give him a hand. The flirty lovestruck Midori and her laid-back younger sister Shiho help him get settled in, but after a bit of miscommunication, Reiji falls into the arms of both sisters!

While Midori and Shiho try to occupy his time, they have to remember that this is a very small town and other neglected ladies have their eyes locked on the new bachelor on the block.

Tayu Tayu, by hentai legend Yamatogawa, is a harem of errors as one clueless pushover is pulled between the attention of childhood hotties, curious twin sisters, and a cheeky voyeur who wants in on the action! Collecting eleven chapters, FAKKU Books edition of Tayu Tayu includes a new translation, cover design, and everything else that has consistently made FAKKU hit the sweet spot in hentai comics.

Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/tayu_tayu_jacket.png

Release Dates
Pre-Order - September 17, 2020
Digital - September 24, 2020
Paperback - March 2021

Purchase Now!
Love the spine and lettering
Been waiting years for this to get properly release it’s an immediate buy for me!
thedecline18 Hentai Connoisseur
Best Yamatogawa book coming through!!
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Hentai legend indeed, definitely glad to see this.
So excited for this release! Yamatogawa is a permanent instabuy. Thanks Fakku!
Aww yeah! Been waiting for this one. Insta-bought, of course!
Yet another classic!
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Now that's some excellent news!
69titty69 Vanilla Connoisseur
Welp, that's an easy pre-order. At this point, it's literally "Fakku uploaded a new book? Just take my money." I've dropped waaaaaay too much money these past months than I'd care to admit. The only thing keeping me from going bankrupt, is that there is no Shiwasu no Okina hentai on Fakku. If that happens, it's game over. Which, don't get me wrong, I hope that somehow someway we get some Shiwasu no Okina comics (Nudist Beach and Peace Hame please...). Don't know if it's possible, but my wallet is optimistically holding out for this.
Best Yamatogawa book !

Are there any more books like this where its a complete story?
BoldMourn Harem consumer
wing42 wrote...

Are there any more books like this where its a complete story?

Twin Milf has a storyline and is two volumes ( second volume pre-order just announced). Different art than Yamatogawa but good.
Shipping label created. Hard on beginning

Edit. Ropes forming
Forum Image: https://files.catbox.moe/wdanog.jpg
Buyanime.com has Tayu Tayu listed with "Expected reprint date Q4 2023", is this still in progress? asking because I missed out on getting this last time it was available and want to finish my set of Yamatogawa's stuff.
