Plot Summary: Kippei Katakura is a high school playboy who would flirt with any girl he sees. His life was turn upside down when one day, his 5-year old cousin Yuzuyu shows up at his house after her mother had seemingly abandoned her. And now, Kippei has been handed the task of taking care of Yuzuyu for the time being, and he must learn how to become the "mother" that Yuzuyu needs.
It's Opening.
It's Genre if you guys are curious.
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life.
I believe it has already been a year now when I first took notice and watched this series. :D
I honestly want her as my daughter! if I ever would have an offspring that is... :lol:
This series is one of those adaptations that never get its conclusion in the anime. I had to hunt down the manga to finish the story, which was rather cute, the ending I mean (of the whole series). The only thing that annoyed me was Kippei and Kokoro's extended minutes of kissing scenes! Kokoro sure is one hell of a HAWT babe! More than anything else, it's Yuzu's pure innocence and sweetness that I wasn't able to resist. A very enjoyable series indeed, much recommended.
Here's the ED theme (which I slightly liked better than the OP) - both songs were performed by Yo Hitoto.
Nennensaisai (Every Year, Every Age)
Ah, one of my early favorites. A loli shoujo anime but without any innuendos, at least I can watch this one on TV safely.
I like the innocence factor at one episode involving Satsuki and Yuzuyu at the bathroom while brushing their teeth, when she told Satsuki she'll marry Kippei when she grows up.
Another LOL moment came when Yuzuyu's playmate Marika was jealous that Yuzuyu has a bishonen oniichan as her guardian, she instantly pestered her mom to "make me an older brother"... pretty hilarious.