Dunno if someone else's watching this but anyway.
Episodes 1 through 5:
First episode: I was confused with what happened with the cousin/ stepsister (didn't get how she was related to the main heroine), the general episode had a calm, yet ominous feeling, must've been the tarot card stuff.
Second episode: explanation to what happened with the aforementioned disappeared girl and general setting done, the calmness somehow got exchanged to slight creepiness. Transformation sequence short and to the point, nice lol
Third episode: Same as above with the calmness being exchanged to creepiness. And main heroine finally kills one of those things, did so her way, but basically got the job done.
Fourth episode: The atmosphere is still there, it was kinda creepier than the previous episode though. Someone seems to be pulling the strings.
Fifth episode: Felt more depressing due to being one of the heroines' relatives the one possessed, and "ominous tarot kid" started to get me confused, being able to transform into a grown woman and a loli.
In general, has a Madoka vibe, but a somehow more depressing/ ominous atmosphere right from the beginning, at least for me it has been. Also similar in having to kill someone "corrupted", but the ones "corrupted" in this case are innocent people.
That, and Madoka didn't have this considerably many people killed in less than 6 episodes, counting the possesed and their victims in case they had killed anyone xP
I'm going to keep watching this, I'm liking it.