In a school where "saviours", individuals who possess memories of their past lives, are enrolled, there are two major categories of students. Shirogane are those who wield weapons while Kuroma are those who utilise sorcery. Our male protagonist, Moroha Haimura, is the first student in history who possess powers of both categories. What adventures await him and his fellow (female) students within the academy?
A link to the official anime website:
I will be expecting quite a bit of ecchi fanservice. :D
This has been one of my favorites from this season of anime, so far. Nice animation, good story concept, and strong characters.
I do have some concerns though. First the pink hair girl, forgot the name, is overly annoying too often, and really start to make the anime itself annoying. Then the fact they are suppose to fighting those demon or whatever and only seen actually 1 fight through 4 episodes....yes anime is still young, but was expecting more.
Was a really good anime, but with a lot of flaws. When there was action everything looked nice and fluid and just cool lol. The main character wasn't one to dislike either. He was funny and strong but never strayed to one side to much to make him annoying.
The flaws is what held this back for me. It is an anime that was based strongly on boobs, boobs, ass, and more boobs, and a girl being naked episode to episode. This got annoying just looking at them sometimes cause breasts and overly large and when they were in underwear it just didn't look right on characters. Also I felt like this was an anime they suffered from tooooooooooo many characters. It was hard to keep track who was who and for what. Then some of the characters were just outright annoying which didn't help at all.
I felt this was a good anime just wanted more action and fighting Metaphysicals like what everyone was actually training for. Also take out the pink hair girl or stopped her from always being up for Moroha like she was a stalker and maybe it would been better for me.