The story centers on high school student and band vocalist Kamikurata Kyouta, and how he stumbles on a secret war being waged by mysterious girls with otherworldly powers. Kyouta later forms a band named T.L. Signal with his friends Kojima Junichi, and Hirota Shingo. Kyouta's band works for a company named CosmoPop. Junichi plays the keyboard, and Shingo is the guitarist of the band. Things grow even more complicated when he discovers his girlfriend Sannou Yoriko might be the key to it.
I really didn't know anything about this series prior to seeing it so for any one that gives me that "the manga is better u idiot or this shit is completely different than the manga/novel so don't bother" shut up. I saw this and liked it, just kinda wished it was longer.
I really didn't know anything about this series prior to seeing it so for any one that gives me that "the manga is better u idiot or this shit is completely different than the manga/novel so don't bother" shut up. I saw this and liked it, just kinda wished it was longer.