Guess I'll try to ride the coat tails of the popular Motemote battles and try to revive my "Vs Series" :X
Episode 1
Now without further ado, onto Episode 2!
*drum rolls*
In the red corner we have the fanged gun toting, blood drinking, pimp suit and red hat wearin vampire that sweeps Gothic girls off their feet. The immortal legend himself...
ALUCARD from the Hellsing Universe!
And in the blue corner we have another immortal. He's survived thousands of years to make his dream of conquest come true, it's the overly intelligent, shape-shifting, Mutant subjugating, Egyptian King-turned-Mutant-turned-God...
APOCALYPSE from the Marvel Universe!
What happens when these 2 immortals who supposedly cannot be killed, collide?!
And why are they even fighting?! Does anyone really even care?!
Only YOU can decide....
Find out next time on....
Firepixiedarien's (Milking-This-For-All-It's-Worth-With-Reruns) Vs Series Ep 3