Edo Japan, has been taken over by aliens called Amanto since the late Edo period. The samurai of Japan have fallen, and the Amanto placed a ban on carrying swords in public. While the true story of the Manga follows e adventure of Gintoki "Gin" Sakata, Shinpachi Shimura, and Kagura who is an Amanto that looks like a normal person but is super strong and says "Yup Yup" all the time.
While the story is amusing in some form to some people(Myself included), the main characters don't really make the story for me, it's the supporting characters like, Sadaaru a giant white dog that somehow becomes Kargura's pet, and the Amanto Prince that a an affinity for monsters and like to think of them a cuddly pets.
You can read th first 50 chapters of it on Manga Volume.