I've just gotten around to watching Gungrave and it's episode 13...SPOILER
Big Daddy? WHAT FUCKING BULLSHIT IS THAT? My opinion could be influenced by the fact that I'm reading GTO on the side, but DAMNIT JAPAN! OLD GUY/YOUNG GIRL IS FUCKING DISGUSTING, UNREALISTIC, AND JUST PLAIN BULLSHIT! And yet, I knew somewhere inside of me that the moment Maria moved in with that old fuck that he would end up marrying her. I watched it anyway, naively hoping that even if it has to happen, maybe there would be some character development between the old man and Maria. Damn my naivete.
It's not that she needed to hold out for Brandon, but Brandon and Big Daddy are the only choices available? Wtf ever, All that matters is everyone gets to die in the end of the anime.