Luke Piewalker wrote...
In light of seeing all the new IS doujins, I was wondering if there is ever going to be a second season. From what I understand, there is currently more hentai doujins of it than actual manga. If its so popular, why won't they make more of it? O_O
[font=Times New Roman]Hentai and anime are completely different. Just because IS has lots of Hentai doujins, it doesn't really mean that it will have a second season. I'm not sure if its all of them but most of the IS doujins that you see are created by artist who have no relation or connection to the creator or the producer of this series.
The most likely reason why there's tons of H-doujin about this might be because the IS girls are quite popular (sexually) Similar to the series Ore No Imouto. An anime series with only 14 episode with no second season news (maybe for now not sure) but has over 6 pages of hentai.[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]Not sure if I made my point across..Anways what I'm trying to say is the popularity of a hentai of a certain series doesn't equate to a new season. It simply means there popular as a hentai subject nothing more.. Maybe.[/font]