Plot Summary: In the romantic comedy story, a high school girl named Kotoko finally tells a fellow senior named Naoki that she has loved him from afar since she saw him on their first day of high school. However, Naoki, a haughty "super-ikemen" (handsome male) with smarts and sports talent, rejects her offhand. Fate intervenes when a mild earthquake ruins Kotoko's family house. While the house gets rebuilt, Kotoko and her dad stay at the home of her dad's childhood friend...whose son is Naoki.
watched it, loved it, manga as well(yes i know about the author) and I love watching the romance genre, and if it has comedy in it i love it even more nano desu
Some people actually didn't like this series, but to hell with them, I had a lot of fun watching it. :D
I still listen to "Kimi, Meguru, Boku" (OP theme) from time to time.
I've even memorized the lyrics back then and was always singing along with the OP.
here's the 2nd ED theme, Jikan yo Tomare by Azu feat. Seamo (very romantic song)
- I liked it just as much as the OP.
A bit old school and shoujo - I simply found myself laughing most of the time. I'd say that I really do enjoy watching "shoujo romantic comedy series" more better than "shounen." (that has nothing much to offer but fanservice)
I do feel sorry though for the untimely death of Kaoru Tada...
Some people actually didn't like this series, but to hell with them, I had a lot of fun watching it. :D
I still listen to "Kimi, Meguru, Boku" (OP theme) from time to time.
I've even memorized the lyrics back then and was always singing with the OP.
here's the 2nd ED theme, Jikan yo Tomare by Azu feat. Seamo (very romantic song)
- I liked it just as much as the OP.
A bit old school and shoujo - I simply found myself laughing most of the time. I'd say that I really do enjoy watching "shoujo romantic comedy series" more better than "shounen." (that has nothing much to offer but fanservice)
I do feel sorry though for the untimely death of Kaoru Tada...
I'm on episode 17, slowly making it up there. I already am missing the first ending, Kataomoi Fighter.
I like it alot better then it's second ending tbh.
@theotaku: +rep for making a topic on this awesome romance anime.
I loved this series, and I also though that the romance involved was somewhat realistic.
I was under the impression that the manga was never finished since the mangaka died before completion, and the anime is "the finished series".
Mabye because I'm a romantic at heart, but I tend to like shojo series a lot, as long as the anime is executed decently. Two shojo series I recommend off the top of my head: Ayashi no Ceres and Aishiteruze Baby (manga).
I loved this series, and I also though that the romance involved was somewhat realistic.
Mabye because I'm a romantic at heart, but I tend to like shojo series a lot.
@g-money: My brother. :D
I just finished this series. I loved it. Irie's and Kotoko's kid was pretty cute as well, it was always funny to see them fight over Irie. :)
The last episode was pretty funny as well, I never expected it to be a ghost. I thought it was the Grandpa. :lol: