Based on a series of light novels, Kure-nai is about the adventures and misadventures of 16-year-old Shinkurou Kurenai. Shinkurou is an authority in settling disputes between people, and is one day approached by Murasaki Kuhouin, the daughter of a powerful plutocratic family, asking him to be her bodyguard.
Quite shocked when I can't find any thread referring to this manga, either by looking at the masterlist or by using the search forum function.
Anyway, this manga is great, has nice plot, and for you lolis, you will love it.
Where to read online? Can't mention the site's name, seems like too many haters nowadays, just type "kure-nai online read" in google and use the read OL site you prefer.
EDIT: Finished reading the whole 42 chapters. Man, that was some good read. But I must say:
Kurenai do only get pumped and becomes invincible when Murakami (the loli chara) cheers for him. So, that means he's lolicon or something?