Synopsis: Nanami transfers to St. Mary Bell High School from America as she looks for her childhood friend Kotarou, unknown to him, Nanami wants to present him to her grandfather, who's dying wish is to meet the man that will be Nanami's partner. She has but only a year before her grandfather dies.
Real Synopsis:
I'll level with you all, this series is only 17 chapters long, so either it got axed and had to end quick or the author just writes short stories. Don't expect a lot of character build. Expect lots of cliches, lots! The plot, you can barely call it that jumps around changes and tries to come back, but by then you won't care, you'll just wanna see how it ends. The only two characters who get background story and what you could kind of call character build are Nanami and Kira. Sadly the busty meganekko is just there for show every chapter. So before you all attempt to read this only to come back and say it sucked ass, you've been warned.
Now if you like that sort of stuff, and got time to spare give it a read. ^^
The designs are cute, and I rly did like it, Nanami just got me, I don't care what people say, I just love this girl.