g-money wrote...
HIM520 wrote...
I can't wait for the fight with fate to happen. It is going to be epic.
g-money wrote...
I so need to pick up Negima when I have the chance. I don't even remember which chapter I left off on, only that my memory of the Ostia festival events is pretty bad as I can't recall certain events taking place (after perusing through wikipedia).
If you can give a genral idea of what you can easily remember. I can give you a chapter to start at so you can catch up.
I probably need to start rereading around chapter 220 when the actual Ostia Festival begins... which gives me a backlog of around 80 chapters, lol. I oughta start buying the rest of the Negima volumes as well. (have like 1-11, 15-17)
Yeah I think that is correct for when the ostia festival starts. That or it is at 221, but 220 will do. So with that Chapter 220 is the 7th chapter in volume 24 (at least in the US). Of which if you live in the US, by what Barnes & noble says on there site up to volume 27 has been released (just realised I need to buy V.27 to have full up to date collection of negima), with volume 28 being released near the end of october.
Hope this helps.