Anime and Manga



20th Century Boys Anybody ever read it? I just finished this manga and it's really good. :D
Comic Party Comic Party is one of those underrated comics, but its fantastic Its about this up and comming doujinshi artist and his friends its romantic comedy with some crime fighting its a sho…
HotD ok so i went to wikipedia and i saw that volume 5 is out but can't seem to find it anywhere.[highschoolofthedead] anybody got anything?
[ Poll ][ Locked ] Bleach Arrancar RULEZ just curious about who's keeping up with the latest bleach chapters The final battle closes in at karakura town with Aizen, Gin, Tousen and the top three arrancars against the entire batta…
Show me yours... My Anime List tell me what i'm missing or simply show me what you have; i'm quite interested.
Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei Well, hopefully most fakkers here watch this but if you don't here's a description. Wikip…
Male protagonists, grow some sack My previous post made me think for a bit; what the hell is wrong with Shiro (Fate/Stay night)? Why do other male protagonists always seem to be gigantic vaginas? What other male characters would you p…
Gunslinger Girl Season 2 Who's going to watch? OP from the first
ever been angered by Anime? I'm not talking about normal every day anger: something like "Shiro is such a vag; I hope he dies", I'm talking about intense anger; so mad you had some sort of physical reaction. Two days…
Where can we upload?!!! What is a good site where we can upload all of our H pics?... im tired of photobucket deleting all my files even though theyre in a private folder
Anime theme song? i dont know if this question was asked before, but ill just ask it anyway. Which Anime has or had the best theme song? the song you could listen to over and over witho…
Kamen no Maid Guy Besides Kanokon and To Love Ru, Kamen no Maid Guy should be the third fanservice title of Spring 2008. The first episode starts off with busty Naeka winning a battle in a kendo competition…
[ Poll ][ Locked ] Bleach's Nell she is deffinatly awsome and so much better(and sexier)than Ichigo. Btw im not talking about little Nell because thats wierd and if you dont know who Nell is read the Bleach Manga…
Making a Gurren Lagann AMV So I have been wanting to make an AMV to Gurren Lagann for a while now, but I never found the right song. And I still haven't found it so I might as well ask for some recommendations. I wa…
[ Poll ] Is it me? Or do Orihime Inoue from Bleach and Mikuru Asahina from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya resemble each other? Orihime: …
The great AMV megathread As you can surely tell this is where you should post links to your favorite amvs either on youtube or a direct dl site this is by far one of the funniest i have ever seen http://youtube.c…
robot this thread has to do with the many artist manga called robot. having just been at anime north i came across the masterpieces; 4 volumes to be exact. only got two so its bugging me, and whats even wor…
Crossovers Post pics of crossovers that might of made a series better. …
[ Poll ] The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya order have you seen melancholy of haruhi suzumiya? In which order? Info
Moyashimon So BSS finished subbing it! Watching 7-11 right now. The ending to epi 8 was...interesting. lol. Spoiler:…