The first chapter of this just caught my attention, although I'm not sure whether this is new or not. The plot is reminiscent of My Balls, in that there is a devil girl who wants to sleep with this guy in order to create a kid that would wreak havoc on the world for 7 days. Naturally, there are two angel girls who want to prevent this from happening.
The premise seems a bit cheesy, to be honest, since the bratty personality of the devil feels a bit too stereotypical. It's like I'm reading something that I've already read somewhere before, but with slightly different characters; naturally, this is only the first chapter and it might get alot more interesting. If nothing else, one of the angels is really cute.
This is
not quite as ecchi as My Balls, so I don't forsee there being any actual sex or even nudity.
The drawing style is pretty to look at, and I think this has some potential for growth, so I'm following it for a while. Just thought I'd share.