Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Episode 1's Derp level was quite high. Can't really expect much for their (Passione) 2nd anime as the major animation studio.
-Derpy faces in the classroom
-Earmuffs disappearing one second and reappearing again in the next scene.
What's wrong with this picture?
Backgrounds/landscapes/Buildings are not a good "measurement" on the quality of a Studio's work, it just shows that they're good at recreating/redrawing buildings and it's always and easier thing to do.
But there's this
This pic simply shows their consistency, priorities and budgeting, and this is still episode 1.
They also made a glaring mistake in the Shooting training, at 7.28, the characters are shown to have their earmuffs on, but by 7.39 their earmuffs are not on, only to reappear after he shot the gun. They either forgot to draw it or simply re-edited the scene without repairing the continuity. But once again, this really shows the their work quality.
Animation wise, they don't have a problem, but their drawing consistency and continuity is questionable.
Heck, even the exact same location in a different scene wasn't consistent
