dasiek wrote...
We make solid and fairly complete recommendations don't we hermit ?
Thx for filling in gaps once again 8)
ps: of course Adilicia is the best ! :lol:
I just LOVE ANIME! that's all.
I may not like every single title/series but at least... I want to support this community by sharing some info regarding some of the animes I've seen and know about...and recommend the ones which I've enjoyed watching to others.
actually, I feel like this section is being taken for granted...
most people just talks about Random & Incoherent things...LOL! (myself included)
but if not for the success of mangas & animes... I doubt it that there'll be as much doujinshiis, hentais, and h-games as we have today. and if that's the case...Fakku would have never existed.
I know that Fakku, first & foremost, is a Hentai site. but it wouldn't hurt to talk about the anime wherein those hentai/doujinshi branched about, don't you agree?
...just a piece of my mind...we couldn't force people to do what they don't want to and it wasn't my intention to do so. I'm just a bit frustrated that there's not even 1/4 of reg-users who posts in this section! I think there's just about 10 regular users and another 10 irregular users who posts every once in awhile... :(
with that said...whatever we're doing here becomes somewhat useless... if you get what I mean... well, guess I'll just continue what I'm doing in hope that more users in Fakku will someday learn to appreciate anime even if just for a bit more... 8)
ed: but of course! Adilicia FTW! (btw, was she part of last year's MM?)