Luftiboy wrote...
It depends on location, if the location of your store is not in the public eye it will not bloom as much as one that is on a high street or square. In england at the moment anime is very un appreciated by the masses, as such i would regard it as an underground interest. I used to work in an anime specialist shop on a high street for two years but because it was not very much in the public interest and sales were going down I had to be cut loose, and it is now three times smaller than it used to be and in a back alley street which is kinda sad i think.
If you want to open a store i would recommend opening a small store to begin with, and create a website so people can order online, then you dont have to worry so much about attracting people physically. Using an online store is also better in the fact that you can do alot more advertising.
It's a niche market, depends mostly no where you are and how many customers you can draw in. Over here most of those kind of stores are also game stores that sell board games and trading cards, while mostly also serving an internet café. Just so that they can make money from those things combined to keep there heads up.