[Bifidus] Intercourse Inn

Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
These Women are Happy to Serve Their Guest’s Every Need!

Wanting an escape from the daily hardships of work and regular life, a random nobody has found himself stuck in the middle of nowhere in the pouring rain, quickly fading from exhaustion. When he wakes, he's greeted by the sight of dazzling angels, Shizuku and her daughter Aki, who've warmed him up in their home. He's now found himself a guest in their lives helping with simple chores to more intimate tasks involving Shizuku's lusty demands. With Aki becoming more curious of the growing needs for her own body, it looks like he's going to extend his stay as all three of their heartbeats throb as one!

Intercourse Inn by Bifidus is another five-star showcase of mature-looking women hiding playful spirits and inexperienced ladies eager to learn more! It doesn't matter what experience these heroines have, they all turn to mush as their whole body turns sensitive to all pleasures behind closed doors! Checking in at eight top-notch chapters, Intercouse Inn also features exclusive afterwards chapters following the events of your favorite love stories. No matter who you are, there's nothing better than a warm bed with some red-hot action between the sheets!

Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/EnglishEdition_bifidus_final.png

Release Dates
Pre-Order - March 10, 2022
Digital - March 17, 2022
Paperback - December 2022

Pre-Order Now!
Anita7054 Cannon Fodder
Please note that while the book is set to release, there has been an extended wait for approval for the final book to release. So just for transparency's sake, while the book is scheduled to release next Thursday, if we still don't hear word from the publisher it will have to be delayed just slightly. Crossing fingers though that everything will move forward like normal!

Ah so that's why I cannot pre-order the physical book, that is a-okay. I'll either buy the digital and wait for the upgrade or wait for the book approval itself.
We'll see what happens.
Ah, I was wondering why the physical was already sold out. I'll keep an eye on it then for the combined sale.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Looks lovely.
Is anyone else able to read the two chapters that posted today? I'm getting an error trying to read either of them.

EDIT: It works now, all is well.
There's a mistake in the epilogue to Miwa's Courtyard. The woman who lives with Miwa is her mother-in-law, not her stepmom; 義母 (Gibo) can translate to either, but we know from the context of the story that it only means mother-in-law here. Miwa is in a loveless marriage with her husband, who lets his mother bully her because he's a mama's boy beta bitch, which she implies in the epilogue; she's speaking from her own experience with marriage. It makes no sense for her to be living with her stepmom; we know she's married as she's wearing her ring, so why would she be living with her stepmom? Most people wouldn't let their stepparents live with them after their marriage if they don't get along (or at all, actually), and it's not like anything suggests her husband is having an affair with her stepmother. Furthermore, Bifidus's afterword implies that she feels trapped in her loveless marriage. The only scenario for this story to make any sense is that she's living with her husband and his mother, who is her mother-in-law; that's a crucial piece of info to get wrong.

I'm just saying, y'all should get it fixed before the physical release comes out.
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Monster Girl
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