I can see why it would help. I don't necessarily cosplay, but I'll dress differently then usual. I'll wear something I'll normally wouldn't wear or an outfit that's different from my usual style.
If you ask me, I think it's really a healthy and fun way to divert your anger or sadness. I am not doing it but I totally approve. Hmmmn... Maybe I should try it out sometimes. C:
It's gotten to the point that I've spend the past 5 days wearing various seifukus, but it's a really good thing. I turn my mindset into that of the character, and sometimes even watch the anime, to focus on that character problems, not my own, then I usually forget about my own problems >.>
But in seifukus/wearing something that isn't of a specific character, I make the character up, usually tsundere ones v.v
But you all should try it! It's so much fun to wear cosplay for no darn reason other than you want to!