Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this.
First, I have had an account for a long time here, but I lost my password and the email connected to that account is dead and buried... so I had to create a new account here.
Anyways, the idea I have for a convention booth is to sell custom etched glassware with different anime and such on it. (very close to the topic picture that is posted)I will be able to make stencils out of nearly any image, and the stencils are reusable.
I just wondered how many people would be interested in something like that at a convention? And what sort of anime they would be most likely to buy.
I have a kick-starter running for this project at:
You don't have to do anything, or fuel my project if you don't want to; I would just like some feedback on what people's impression of my idea is, and what they think about the layout of my kick-starter page. The page has tons of information on what I am planning on doing and it also has a video with a bunch of the images that I can put onto glass.
Thanks in advance for taking time to check this out for me, and i am looking forward to reading your advice and suggestions.