Otakon 2015

Anyone out there going to Otakon this year? Also does anyone know if there will be a booth for FAKKU! there? I've never seen one before, but I think it would be cool if they had one this year! =w=
As far as I know, Otakon is a bitch to get a dealer booth at. I vaguely remember Ben and someone else talking about it at NYCC while we were there.
Sounds about right. Conventions are where a lot of people get their profits for the year since so many people go to them. They also tend to favor returning groups. Kinda sad when new groups can't get in. =
I don't think fakku does Otakon currently since most of there gigs are more on the west coast, but check on updates for that on here or other forms of media!

I want to go to this convention at some point since it looks really neat, but alas I need to save my cash, but someday (TT^TT)b
Misaki_Chi wrote...
I don't think fakku does Otakon currently since most of there gigs are more on the west coast, but check on updates for that on here or other forms of media!

I want to go to this convention at some point since it looks really neat, but alas I need to save my cash, but someday (TT^TT)b

Depending on how things go it can be quite fun, or a pain. Last year we dubbed it 'No-akon' because there were a TON of issues getting badges. They told people not to use their WiFi because it was interfering with their own computers, making internet very slow. They even had to cut off the line before my friend could get hers. She was literally right in the door and they told her to come back the next morning. On the upside they gave her a pass to jump to the front because of that.

The other thing about last year was the autographs...ugh... They could have handled it so much better, but they didn't. There was no organization at all. My sister and I wanted to go to a few sessions. I managed to get to two, but the third one... they gave a ticket and told us to come back, came back and we still didn't get to go in. We were the last group to go in and they told us no. Big pain in the ass for having to wait hours.
The year before that was pretty much lines. "Line-acon" Just lots of line, but then again what convention isn't a bunch of lines?

Don't get me wrong Otakon is a ton of fun! Lots of things to do and people to meet, so it is worth it to go. Just be sure you're ready to take the bad along with the good.
I'll be there! It's the only time I can wear my Fakku shirt without getting weird looks.