Small conventions in California

Hiya people!

I was wondering if anyone knows of any conventions or gatherings in California. Preferably in the Bay Area and excluding Sacanime and/or Fanime since I know those have grown/are huge.
Yaoicon in the little tokyo SF. We here in the farmland of the Central valley had one, but no one wants to do it now. Most because they didn't make enough... 5000 people maybe.
wish there was some near Sacramento. happy lunar festival is coming up so there might be a lot of local areas having cosplay events :3 so look out for those
i actually live in the bay area, and its kind of scarce as far as cons go. i travel to san diego most years for CC, and sac anime and fanime are kind of my back yard (i can take the bus and it takes me less than an hour) other than those two tho, theres a really small comic and anime convention in san marin, and another at the santa rosa convention hall come summer. thats kind of it tho, we dont get a lot in the way of cons