Problem exists on firefox/waterfox engine as well.
When you select a manga/doujin/whatever, don't click the preview of the cover page -- click the green "Read Online" button just below the image.
Then, once you're on the page of the manga that displays preview images for every page (the URL should have the name of the manga, followed by '/read'), DO NOT CLICK ON THE FIRST IMAGE.
Click on the second, and then you can use the mouse/arrow keys as normal.
If you want to read the first image, you can either:
Right-click on the page-1 preview, and open it in a new window/tab.
Left-click on the page-1 preview, then once you've read, hit the 'Back' button of your browser (it should look like an arrow pointing to the left, up near your URL bar; alternately, hold down the 'Alt' key and hit the left-arrow-key).
- NOTE: if you read page 1 this way, then once you hit back, you MUST hit refresh on the page which shows all the previews, or else you won't be able to use arrow-keys or the mouse after clicking on the page-2 preview. No, I don't know why either. All I know is that something is either blocking javascript, or it's blocking the mouse itself AND the input from the arrow keys.
WitnessX wrote...
Pretty much what it says in the topic. Started happening about 5 minutes ago. Am using Chrome. Have to use arrow keys or click on the buttons.
Kisuka wrote...
Fixed now. Sorry about that.
uknown59 wrote...
having a similar problem. cant click or use keys.
K-Shun wrote...
I'm having the same problem still, though I can't use arrow keys or the buttons on the page. I'm chrome as well.
ShinigamiZR wrote...
There's actually an ad that fills the whole area where the page is. The only way I can change pages is using the drop-down menu
(quoted you guys so you know there's a workaround)