ShaggyJebus wrote...
*Fak_ku* wrote...
Not sure what photo file types Fakku supports, but maybe posting what type of extension it is after you saved it from paint would help to see if that's the problem. (jpeg, gif, png, etc.)
I think a picture made in Paint is saved as Bitmap (unless you change it while saving it), and I'm pretty sure Fakku doesn't accept Bitmap.
Antw0n, try reopening the picture in Paint, clicking "Save as," and saving it as a different file type. Saving it as a PNG should not change a single thing about it (except make the total file size a lot smaller). Then, try uploading the PNG to the site.
If that doesn't work, then take a screenshot of the page you get when you try (and fail) to upload your picture, or just tell us what it says.
i'm having a simalar problem. the pics i want to upload
are bitmap, but i can't figure out how to do the save as thing you suggested, Shag. when i rclick, save as, is not an option. i don't know alot about computers, so if there is nother way to do save as, i don't know it.
it was suggested i get a photobucket account, if that helps Antw0n, but i haven't tried it yet myself.