I just thought of an idea that would really help me and some other people that don't have the time to read every single doujinshi or hentai that looks appealing to them, I like to read alot of hentai and doujinshi from this website. So I thought what if there was a way to mark off things you have read and things you still have to finish reading and things you haven't read yet, all archived in your collections, however you arranged them. I was thinking for the things finished it would be lighter and say finished diagonally across the hentai/doujinshi thumbnail and for those that are not finished, it will show how much you have read(page/end) and ask you to continue and the ones not read just are plain. I think this would make things easier for some people so they can keep track of their reading and all. So that's my idea and go ahead if you want to try it out. Thanks!