Waar wrote...
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
small aside: front page polls allow multiple votes(as long as they are still on the front page). it's been like that for a very long time.
Odd, I just checked and I wasn't able to vote twice. It didn't give me an error message but it also didn't add my second vote. Do you do anything special to vote twice?
a long time ago, i vaugely remember* voting on a poll in the thread itself, and then as i was skimming the comments, i saw a post i had made some time before. i don't think i would have commented with out voting, but i have no proof, only the lingering shadows in the dregs of my drug addled mind.
i should have checked again before i posted here. my mistake, sorry to waste your time.
*[size=10]i can't remember useful details like what the poll was about, or when it was[/h]