So, after a few days of maintenance (as in, all of today, and yesterday) I finally managed to get on, and when I did, I clicked forum, only to have 'The resource specified does not exist' So I was like 'huh... somebody has hacked it and deleted the forums?' so I then clicked my bookmark to ib, and well, ib works... so I googled this section, and here we are.
I'm not sure if anything else is a muck, but that one thing has me a little worried... along with the full day or two of maintenance again... just after the update, cept this time it was just showing the 'forum overload, u mad' thingo...
I know it was down all day, cause I was refreshing it loooooots, trying to get it to load...
also seems I can't go into the following manga:
gives me a 404 error
Dunno if related or it's always like this, but the translators tab gets me the 'herp derp error'
System stuff:
os: Windows xp 32bit
Browser: Chrome version: 18.0.1025.168 (is up to date apparently)
So yeah... not sure if bugs, or chrome being gay (I just ripped open firefox, and still get the no forums button) or if just weird things gone wrong.
Thanks for your time.