by coincidence (using my beloved PM system), I happened upon the following little bug, which has not been posted before if the Known Bugs List and/or search function are to be believed. The bug affects not only the PM system; as demonstrated below, it is prevalent in regular post composition as well.
When using the "{url}" tag to insert a hyperlink into a post, and the link contains parentheses () or square brackets [], the tag is not being parsed correctly, and hyperlinking fails. I tried some other obvious candidates as they came to mind, but these four friends ("(,),[,]") seem to be the only ones triggering this bug.
When using the "{url}" tag to insert a hyperlink into a post, and the link contains parentheses () or square brackets [], the tag is being parsed correctly, and hyperlinking succeeds.
fails (parentheses)
.txt]fails (square brackets)
works (parentheses elided)
works (square brackets elided)
Renaming files not to include parentheses or square brackets is not always a valid solution, because the user does rarely have control over the naming of hyperlinked files. Using link-shorteners is likewise not always an option, because security-conscious users tend to avoid clicking those. Therefore, filing this bug seemed justified.