hentaistack wrote...
I don't have a good reason to back up the idea that not everyone is financially unstable?
Are you high....?
Did I say that? What makes you think artists don't care to be paid? What makes you think it's okay to pirate because you can't afford things? Do you even think about where the money goes when you buy things? Do you even think about where advertising money goes for a site like [insert almost any other hentai website]? I'll give you a hint: not to the people who created the art nor the people who made it available in English for your convenience.
I don't know if you've realized this but you're complaining that something costs money when it's perfectly within the artist's right to complain that a huge amount of fans don't give anything back.
Let's pause here and stress the fact that this is NOT all about money. FAKKU works hard to create quality hentai products in English. Everything is made as close to the source material as possible, the translations are well done, and it's all
uncensored which is something we never even had before.
Now of course if you don't care about any of that, then I think you've taken a wrong turn because this is probably not the place for you.