I am a guy who visited fakku in last 5 years more less, i really love the page, i check it every single night to see whats new and fakku is my favorite adult related page of all time. when fakku release fakku book i said "well, thats good to the people that can buy it and in a form of fakku to get money and continue their awesome job ". but the lasts months was a torture for me,because every single night i check the page and feel bad because all the awsome content that you are releasing for Fakku subscription and i cant see it T_T. i am a student and i dont have to pay fakku suscription but if i have the money that probably the first thing i will buy it because with the only preview page i get exited. i really like fakku and the feel bad that i will no able to see the wonderful mangas that you are releasing in a long time.
Thats why i love you guys and i really really hate you.
Continue like that guys you are awesome.
sorry, i dont have a vey good english. :p