I was going throught the yotsuba&! hentai and it failed to load the page 2 starting from the 10, i figured it was a issue with the php get command that gave a wrong character for the "&"
first page being "https://www.fakku.net/manga.php?series=YOTSUBA%26!"
and trying to go second "https://www.fakku.net/manga.php?series=YOTSUBA&!&start=10"
I fixed it by manualy giving the right "https://www.fakku.net/manga.php?series=YOTSUBA%26!&start10"
anyone else had this issue? should be easily fixed, but cant realy tell without looking at the code :P
edit: Just tried it out and its the same issue on internet explorer (I use firefox)
Yea, I don't exactly know what's the deal with that, but it applies to a lot of characters. For example, the / in my name. https://www.fakku.net/users/Kuroneko1%2F2
maybe there should be a code to check for special characters and to change them into supported format in the php script....
I've done a bit work on something like that on my website project to make the site identify and check email addres
i just found something that might work as a hotfix of a sort.
$trans = array("&" => "%26", "/" => "%2F");
echo strtr("https://www.fakku.net/users/Kuroneko1/2", $trans);
if i got that right it should return "https://www.fakku.net/users/Kuroneko1%2F2"
im not sure how that will work with sending the formGet data over to another page but i'll log onto my server and try a few things, if i can get it to work...
that might not as i'm not familiar with that function and realy dont know what it does ^^'
edit: failed to connect to my server, must have crashed. well, i'll get to that on monday...