I'm not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this problem but for the last month I've been having trouble posting on the forums. I make use of the Writing and fanfiction section so the word count of my posts tends to be pretty high. Is there a word limit in place for posts? When I try to make a lengthy post I'm greeted with a maintenance error notification and no matter how many times I've attempted to make these long posts over the course of a month the same error keeps popping up. Occasionally I'll also get a notification stating that my post is invalid. I'm not sure if this a problem with the site or whether the problem is on my end, but I have made these long posts before without experiencing this problem.
In addition I also get tons of maintenance error notifications on almost every page I try to visit in any section of the forums. If this truly was because of maintenance I could most certainly understand but for me to try and access a page and receive the notification, refresh the page to find that it works perfectly fine, and then refresh again only to be greeted by another maintenance error is indicative of some other issue at work here. Is everyone experiencing this?