Yeah this is driving me nuts personally, I have a ton of artists faved on my browser (cause I can't fave artists on here yet, hopefully Jacob can incorporate it sometime soonish), and I don't always check here daily which means lots of stuff just simply never gets seen, I like to see if there's something new by those I have saved on my browser but since it's not updating anywhere but the main page it's preventing me from seeing the new works. Which is a shame I have no idea how many hentais I've missed of some of the new people added who have had tons of stuff added :-/ makes me sad panda'd all over the place.
---------- Update 1 - Mar 28, 2014 00:33 ----------
Well it seems that they got updated at some point since my last post, however they are not automatically updating themselves (at least I assume that's what they use to do, makes sense) properly, I just went through the new set of stuff on here (specifically looking at the artist's work who did 'Melody 2', Melody 2 isn't on there). I think someone either broke the auto updater when they were doing matainence last, or someone accidently changed it to only go off 'X' often/after 'X' amount of things are uploaded.