I fail to see why it is a big deal. Why should you care what anyone's post count is? If they are spamming, let the staff handle it. Disabling post count in Meet and Greet is just silly.
Now on the topic of whether a stereotypical greeting is warranted or not... well, that is entirely a different discussion that doesn't involve the question at hand, at all.
Well, I do see a clear connection between those two. Apparently those who spam actually care about their post count; now, if posts didn't count, I think users would be less inclined to spam one-liners. At least those who are just out for the post count +1, I don't see a reason why anybody would do something like that if it wasn't for that very reason.
Although I may be wrong and people actually LIKE to spam one-liners in a greeting thread; then this whole thing is broken beyond repair.