For 12 dollars a month, the fact that I can't do more advanced searches and sorting seems ridiculous.
How is it that all the websites I use to get this content on for free has significantly better search and filtering capabilities
My suggestions in a very particular order.
1. Allow me to filter out paid content and only view fakku unlimited content that I am paying for... Its a fucking joke that I'm giving you 12 dollars a month and your atill just shoveling 10 dollar chapters down my throat before I can see any content I'm actually filtering for.... some of the tags I literally have to swipe through pages of "paid" content before finding anything on unlimited
2. Advanced filtering with multiple tags.
3. A rating system.
4. A sorting feature once tag filtering has been applied. (Alpha, newest, popularity, etc...)
5. Better at a glance content visibility, i have no way of knowing what I'm about to read outside of the fact that it contains a single tag that I searched for and what the cover page looks like.
This is all currently on mobile, I have no idea what the experience is like on desktop.