sadmir wrote...
Brittany wrote...
Could you show a specific example in the chapter?
Basically all dialogue, text in bubbles, and plot related sfx (like if a car was in one panel and in another panel you just see a giant sfx and it's CRASH) are translated and done. Essentially the only things that aren't done are all the sex noises which like Jake says takes a considerable amount of time to make sure they're done nicely and simulpublished with the Japanese.
It's not about not being able to get the plot, this is porn we're talking about in the first place I could read raws and get most of plot. What I meant by just too much is that when you have a chapter with so many onomatopoeias that also take so much space on each page and they are left untranslated it feels like I'm missing part of the experience.
I know you most likely think I'm just whining about nonsense but I really think it matters when there are pages filled with sfx without translation. There's a reason why you guys sold 65.000 books and it's because it showed through every single page just how much everybody involved in the process cared about.
Say that chapter you referred to was released as a tankoubon, we'd completely revamp it and improve the quality and make sure every ounce of it was translated for the reader. The artist a lot of times will also improve little things about the chapter as well and make tweaks for the book version. That's a big benefit of the books.
But the magazines you have ~1000 pages to translate and edit every month and sfx literally take as long as the moans/dialogue in the book so you're increasing the time period double by doing all the sfx appropriately.
I can see your concern with it, but the focal point of the magazines is that you get a chance to read it in english, be introduced to new artists at the same time when the magazines are released in Japan. When we release books, just like the Japanese you have the choice to buy the book that has compiled works of your favorite artists with extra goodies and higher quality than the magazine edition.