FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic.
Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following:
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Using the Ipad I have been using my ipad to view this site for awhile. Today is the first time my viewing has been disrupted. The "Home, Manga, Doujinshi, games, videos exc..." has been following and cutting my sc…
Side accounts for the 12 Days contest I've noticed a lot of accounts without pictures and only 1 post on the the 12 onaholes Thread. I assume that these are people making 2nd and even 3rd accounts to be able to win, will there be somethin…
Tuberwards Excuse me, but what the hell is that thing ?
Everything I do on Fakku asks for a username and a password.
That website. I don't know that place.
REALLY BAD Mobile Problems This site has been real bad with mobile users like me lately for the past few months. A few weeks ago we got random virus popups, and they're gone now (somewhat) but now two annoyances came up in plac…
Missing Favorites Okay, is it just me, or did like my oldest fav'd work just went missing from my fav collections? For example, there is one piece of work called "Animal Cracker, Cat Style" that is still on the site b…
Why can I only see one page worth of my favorites? I've been lurking on Fakku for quite a number of years now, and last night I decided I would finally get around to using my account to actually add my favorite manga/doujinshi to my favorites so I don…
Sorting Is it possible to add a sorting option? I mean like a Most Favorited for a certain series or artist, or even sorted by most viewed (don't know if this is counted).
(BUG) (REPOST) Broken Images Sorry but this got missed in all the traffic.
These links have broken images:
Why Stop at Favoriting Artists? Lets Go Even DEEPER! Such features I'm talking about, and many have already voiced their need for, is a new category of "favoriting."
We can favorite doujins but to those of you whom have used this website for years…
Reading List (Suggestion) I wish I had a better than Reading List, but that's all I got at 2Am. Anyways I've been wondering if you guys could build a section in the site that allowed users to click on a manga and add it to a R…
A bug or error? Since the 27th I have noticed, when i click on links on the forum, try to tab them, or anything. It will not do it. Are the site functions broken?
[ Poll ] Chubby Category I have been reading Hentai manga on fakku for about 3 years and have noticed that a lot of the Hentai I really enjoy have slightly chubby girls in them. However, I'm never sure what Hentai has those c…
Hentai Tag I know there's probably a post like this somewhere, but I was wondering, why do we have a hentai tag?
Almost all of the uploads are hentai and we have a non-h tag. Is a hentai tag really necessa…
Profile URL Notification bugs 1) When a user quotes you, the link to their profile still uses capitalisation and usernames with spaces in should be replaced with "-" but it comes up as "%20". Leads to an error page.
Ongoing problem with "Read Online" So as we all know by now, there is a long standing problem with the download links, which I'm sure the guys are working on, hopefully. But recently I've been having problems with online reading as wel…