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Feedback, Suggestions, and Support


FAKKU Reader Help, Feedback and Bug Report Thread Welcome! This is the help, feedback and bug report thread for FAKKU Reader. FAKKU Reader has been built with both desktop …
FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic. Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following: Go through the …
[ Locked ] FAKKU Rules and Frequently Asked Questions Please read this compilation topic of site rules and FAQs before posting! …


Games tab Why does the games tab barely ever get updated? Are there just too many on the site for it to be updated? Not complaining just curious.
404 Error Hi guys, so every time I open the main page I get a 404 Error page 404 Error The page you are trying to vi…
PM bug I won't post an image since it's a PM... There is a post bug in the PMs. When I send a message it sometimes duplicates past posts 2-3 times... I was just hoping that this could…
Can't view a users forum posts! I tend to view my own forum posts from the button on my profile page (generally for the links posted on them), but i keep getting a 404 not found when i click it, the same occurs when trying on other …
Getting maintenance ? ^^ Am I the only one getting the maintenance screen every now and then ?^^ I seem to see it when I click on the a page and I have to reload the page everytime. But it happens many times ^^
A Helpful Tip to Downlaoders To those who are aiming to download things. (and are using Internet Explorer) here's a tip. If your trying to download a file and it looks like this: …
FAKKU! down every few clicks, i get the fakku down page. edit, i got it when i tried to post this topic.
Sudden Logout Not sure if anyone else has/had same problem: It seems on occasions Fakku seems to just log me out after refreshing a page. I know that you're automatically logged out if you're inactive f…
Find all posts by/topics started by XYZ problems So apparently viewing all posts/topics is finally back but there are some funny glitches for now. 1) The feature only shows the first page (latest 15 posts) no …
Featured manga? Hello, I wonder if there is a way to check the list of all the featured mangas? By featured manga I mean the one that was shown on the top of the page when you clicked the manga, like that…
Problem with the message box Basically, I can see at the top that I have 1 New Messages, but I can't see the message in my box. Herpu mee
Global Mods Thumbnail
[ Locked ] Global Mods If Jacob does Decides to make them. He shouldn't make just one, because with all that mod power goodness, something is bound to get out of hand. They should be allowed to ban and unban. So…
why can't i see my posts? i have tried in other computers but when i try to look at my post through my profile it says error page not found or something like that. know why?
Download Problems??? Hey, for the past couple of days now, Ive noticed any downloads through fakku are, for some reason, very much slower than usual.... Is there a reason for this that I am missing?
A question about the Nosebleed thread. Errm, i want to make a thread called "Straight Shota" (or something along these lines)... with older women with younger boys. I think it might perhaps fall in the prohibited shota section, however i w…
Script For Imagebam Or Imagevenue Thumbnail
Script For Imagebam Or Imagevenue Man you guys have an awesome forum here ;) After looking through the Nosebleed awhile I noticed you use Imagebam and Imagevenue for host image sites. Theres a Grease Monkey scr…
New Manga Arrangement i thought it would be nice if there are new manga/hentai arrangement to sort which one is censored or not..
upload help im kinda new and dont really know how to upload my collection
Suggestion: a feature for replying to a thread When you're replying to a thread, it would be cool to be able to see the topic post and the last couple of posts at the same too, since they are probably the most relevant to the reply itself. I think…
Disable voting Hello, I noticed that when you vote in a poll, it still gives you the option to vote if you refresh the page or even go to the URL again, sometimes I'll vote and then later I won't be able to tell if …