I really am beginning to feel like all of the pre-release titles that have "Ships on XXX date" need to be adjusted to say "Physical Titles are delayed until further notice"
It's extremely misleading to still have "Ships in [date]" on pre-releases when Fakku is well aware of the fact that it will not be shipped on that date due to the container shortage.
I have a lot of pre-orders that SHOULD have been shipped by now, that have not been shipped. These orders were placed MONTHS ago, and the pages still say that some of the titles will be shipped on XXX date, when XXX date has passed. Anybody who is out of the loop of the issue will place orders thinking that they will be shipped, but alas, this is not the case.
By keeping the same shipping dates on the titles, you are misleading customers. The only reason I became aware of this issue is because I sent support tickets about my orders that are 4 months late.
At the very least, a warning needs to be put on the front page informing customers about the shipping issues.