i agree, can we add a captcha, or a report spam button or possibly both? cause these ilovenekkidbewbiez comments are starting to get really annoying....
No matter how many times he's banned, he keeps coming back therefore, yes a Captcha system or something like that is needed, else many more will come and make Fakku unbereable!!!!
Yeah. we don't want the fakku comments section or the forum section to be riddle with spambot, do we? look at wat happen to Yahoo! before spambot came to be. look at other forums. if we can't do anything that restrict this, then how are we to keep fakku the way it is? doujin doujin, hentai, vn, and what not.
I made a topic similar to this a while back ago and it died away. Nobody payed attention to it. At least being able to add a report button but nothing happen. I still support this idea. Whatever has to be done to get rid of those spambots.