1. Exactly how many works have been DMCA-ed (some artists doesn't have all their works taken)?
Easily in the upper hundreds if not the thousands.
2. Member-wise, how was the community affected by this?
Sensationalist Reporting.
3. Is there any other DMCA works that will be taken down in the future?
Uploaders like myself were asked to compile a list from their uploaded works that were published by WaniMagazines to be DMCA'd. Most uploaders complied, others never saw the post, or ever kept tracks of what came from where. Poor recordkeeping on the most part.
shadowhawk69 wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
[color=#993300]And if anything, no more will be taken down later, because they wouldn't be uploaded in the first place. Since the company in concern already had all its artists' works removed, there isn't going to be more.
one was uploaded a couple days ago. It has since been taken down, but it seems some things can slip through the cracks.
I caught the first chapter when it was uploaded, and swiftly DMCA'd it...