ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
>Do I get access to the remaining (yet to be translated) releases of that #36 issue later on without additional subscription?
No, FAKKU's subscription service is a little different from a normal magazine subscription. While subscribed you have access to all magazine content that has been translated, which start with Kairakuten 2015-06 and X-Eros #30. No matter when you subscribe, you have access to everything that has been translated since then and until your subscription expires, you will have access to whatever new chapters appear.
>Or do I have to subscribe again later to access remaining content of that #36 issue if they happen to be updated like 2-3 months late?
This is correct. It seems like you want 100% of current volume content and they might be a little bit behind. The localization staff probably have their hands full but I'm sure everything will get out there eventually. The majority of newer content has been localized and there's also been a slow trickle of backlogged content (if you check out the recent
subscription uploads you'll see a number of chapters from older issues), so nothing is being left out intentionally.
>There's some interesting releases in upcoming #37 issue too, and I don't know should I play safe and wait until Fakku releases those chapters before starting subscription or not. :(
There's nothing stopping you from doing this. If that's what you want, then you could definitely do this. In the future we might have options to pay for permanent access to a particular volume or individual chapter but that may or may not happen.
>I know you guys (mainly founders/supporters of Fakku subscriptions/books) got alot of flames from large part of the community by starting this subscription works.
Thank you for your understanding. I don't represent FAKKU but it's frustrating to see community members get upset for all the wrong reasons. I really appreciate that you've given it some thought rather than just get upset because people are asking for money. I hope you'll see for yourself that FAKKU does go the extra mile to produce high quality work. I find it silly that people complain about a really good product. Everything released so far has met a very high standard of quality and I hope that continues.
Thankyou verymuch for your detailed answer :)
It seems that I might put my subscription plan on hold until Fakku releases some specific releases from #36 and #37 issues that I wanted then. I don't mind having the option to "buy" specific chapter from magazine if needs to, because X-Eros and Kairakuten (or all magazines in general) only have some contents that interested me (as you could have guessed, some of those aren't on Fakku update yet).
Regardless, I hope that Fakku's staff keep up their good work to deliver quality content. Working takes time, I can wait as long as they can deliver it well-polished. :)
P.S: How do I "thumbs up"?