Fruid wrote...
There's already a feature that does what you're suggesting. Go to your profile page and turn notifications on.
There's also a method to check which topics you've posted in.
profile -> "posts"
Oh,I see.
Thank you.
Should I delete this thread,since the feature already exists?
Gravity cat wrote...
I would personally hate getting notifications whenever a thread gets commented on if it isn't mine, or if it wasn't quoting something I said.
Just like Fruid said, just check your posts and clicking on the post number takes you directly to the thread. Or you can look on your notifications if you get quoted. Or just keep browsing the forums and checking back on the thread every so often.
There really isn't any need for constant updates on threads you've commented on, and I'm sure not alot of people would like getting spammed with notifications that don't relate to them in any way. This isn't Facebook.
You have a really valid point.I didn't think about people getting spammed to death with messages.
I'll try in the future to refrain from making suggestions that already exist.