I visit here from time to time, but i sometimes dont visit for extended periods. And i was thinking it would be cool if the manga were to have monthly packages we could download through links or torrents or something that feature newly added manga from the past month. This way people that visit every so often can just grab the pack, without scanning all the updates over the past X amount of days. Going even further, it would be nice to have either like 4 separate packs (H in japanese, H translated, non-H japanese, and non-H translated) or just one rar or zip with these 4 subfolders to help people navigate to what they may be looking for.
A file for a complete current list would also be nice to have, at least for those of us with the HDD space.
I don't really have the time to check all the forum posts and whole site to see if this has been done or suggested so i figured i would just toss this up real quick and if it is something that has been brought up or ruled out already feel free to delete the thread or ignore it.
And i do realize that this could be a bit time consuming and more work for those involved, but i feel like it would be something pretty nice for those that dont frequent as much and have less time to browse individually and DL individually. If its something that people might be interested in and gets done, cool. If it exists, how do i find it lol. And if its too much work, no big deal. The site is great as is and i wouldnt want to push anyone into doing more work if they didnt have the time or didnt want to.
And regardless of the responses to this, this site rules! FAKKU FTW!