Daiz wrote...
Theoretically this could be implemented, but I could see it causing a lot of accidental page changes (or alternatively, non-wanted dragging when the user wanted to change the page) since left click is also used to progress to the next page.
Also, there exists a way to scroll the page with mouse movement already - it's called
Free Scroll Mode. You can activate it by pressing the scroll wheel on your mouse, or if that's unavailable, you can also use the C key.
I tried out the Free Scroll mode. It kind of is, but is not quite what I am thinking about. Unfortunately, While in free scroll, you are just stuck on that one page until you get out of that mode.
Perhaps the drag mode could be an option in the settings. I guess it would primarily be something for laptop users, as we are very accustomed to using touch pad scrolling (double tap + hold and drag) for navigating the internet.
A touch+drag option could also be used to drag the next page over. For example; once the old page has been dragged a certain length to the right or left, maybe 1/4th, then the next page automatically scrolls in.