GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
Are you implying that our own mods are not enough to curb the tide in this new section? I think our current mods are more than enough; they have been so far no reason to change that just because of a new section.
Also what if he abuses the power not trying to be an asshole here but TMS isn’t exactly the most mod like user here.
While I don't agree that TMS would delete posts (said in your later post) I do agree that he wouldn't be the most qualifying mod candidate.
Even given mod powers in a subsection of IB, it's still rewarding someone with responsibility and trust.
No offense TMS, but you do some things that doesn't warrant that kind of reward.
Right now you're enjoying playing the role of a troll, that's not exactly the type of role model Fakku wants for it's staff. Regardless of where you'd be assigned.
I do however, give you credit for coming up with Garfest. That was a nice idea.
MidgarKonotsu wrote...
TMS would be better fit, as he invented the fucking thing. Besides, TMS is totally mod like! What are you talking about?
You also confuse me with your hypocrisy. Some days you're adamant about rules and how things should be. Other days you completely disregard things because of friends or you feel like goofing around. Sorry, but having a staff member who enjoys trolling threads and people do not go under my category of being a good mod. Nor do people who purposely break rules.
Such as that buroburo or whatever the hell it was thread in random.
Even if it was kidding, TMS flat out said - I posted it there for post count. He did it on purpose and to bother people no matter how much he tries to deny it. Okay, maybe he was also trying to be funny, but that joke sent him into a temp ban.
That being said, I'm glad this idea is being veto'd.