I seem to have a problem where everytime I click "Read Online" or the Preview image, it just saves it to my favorites. This only started happening today so im not sure whats wrong. I've logged in and out but it still does the same thing. Im not sure of what proof to give seeing as it just shows it being sent to my favorites, making it seem like I just clicked the favorite button. So I dunno, anyone have the same problem or a remedy for this?
I found that I have this problem when using Chrome, but when I used the site with IE, everything works, so I'm not sure if this is a Chrome thing or whatnot.
Yesterday everything worked perfectly, after the night (when I put my PC into hibernation) it started happening - when clicking on "Read online" it started to redirect me to login page (when not logged in), after logging in it only adds to favorites.
Got some more reports about this, does anyone mind posting screenshots of the page if it's happening to you? Bonus points if you can also screenshot the developer console while you are inspecting the read online button.
I'm getting the same thing happening in Firefox, plus the bottom of a large letter C in the way. Usually black, but I've seen grey and white ones as well. Weird.