Longevity wrote...
Nope. It would slow down the site so fast. I don't wanna wait 5 minutes to get my hentai fix.
Is this an exaggeration, or is it how long it would probably really take? As it is, I often do already have to wait longer than 5 minutes if I search the main box, then the user uploads, then scouring the rest of the Internet to find it.
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
So you're saying you want to put forth absolutely no effort and still get what you want, even if it means turning the rest of the site into a slow, chaotic mess? Leave main page uploads to the scan groups, mods and admins.
If you want to put it harshly, in a way, yes. Less effort is always a plus, but I didn't think about it slowing down the site. To be honest, I really haven't noticed any problems with slowness (probably because I haven't tried some things, or wasn't here for the right times, I'm still relatively new, but just wanted to try to help >.<), so I didn't think of it becoming a problem. If that's the case, maybe high restrictions could be set (as option 2 says). Possibly maybe a certain group (how this is determined would probably be up to the admins) or something could upload what they find, and take suggestions.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
To be a bit more polite about things, having a ton of doujins
uploaded would slow down the site. Same reason the image section was taken down and hasn't been put up. And, I believe, the same reason the next MoteMote hasn't started yet. Fakku gets more and more visitors, and it's getting harder and harder to contain them on this site. If Fakku had a thousand more doujins added, the site wouldn't be able to handle it.
However, I do think there should be a thread where users suggest doujins they'd like to see added to the main site. That way, users could have a say in the matter, let their voices be heard. Of course, a lot of people would have to agree on a doujin for it to be added, and it would be a lot of work to go through all the posts, but it'd still be nifty.
...Or we could try something like that. In some shape or form, I'd find it preferable to have the users SOME say in what goes up, rather than completely or next to no say.
On the thought that it may slow down the site completely actually (not specifically to one quote)... maybe it could be GREATLY reduced then if only 2 or 3 pages instead of the whole doujinshi were allowed uploaded (title, 1-2 sample page(s)), then, as always, have a download option, from offsite, or from Fakku's servers. From the looks of it, it's always available on Fakku, but I can't see how it would hurt if you're worried about bandwidth to host it on megaupload or something. If desired, a thread for full doujinshi upload requests (for those who really don't want to download it) could be established, and popular ones would be brought to full by admins or mods.