My post here is my response to everything from the event three years ago. In this instance it was not my account that was compromised and no user data was lost, they messed around with an admins account which they previously had access to. Their actions were limited to front paging a post and vandalizing some manga.
The event three years ago happened when I recruited Tranquility (a FAKKU moderator at the time) to help me with some code on Sanshee before it went live. Specifically he was working on PayPal integration. When I took him on I changed the password on the database to "fakku123" because I didn't want him to see the password I had been using up until then. Unfortunately that particular server was using CPanel, so when I changed the database password it automatically changed the SSH password as well. Shortly after Sanshee went live, Tranquility shared that password with Hibia (the disgruntled ex admin I mentioned), and he immediately went into the database and reversed the encryption on my Sanshee account (which was the same password used on my main FAKKU account and my email) and stole a bunch of data off the server. That's where any notion that what they did was somehow not malicious, they broke the law and stole data.
The users that had created accounts on Sanshee at the time (three years ago) had sensitive information exposed. The hackers chose to focus entirely on me. To quote my post in the other topic... " they broke into all of my email accounts, my Skype account, my Facebook, and spent the day masquerading as me while I frantically tried to recover everything. He went as far as pulling up emails between myself and my ex-girlfriend and tried to use them against me. They downloaded all of the email I had sent in the past three years and tried to blackmail me using every random thing they found. And to top it all off after I got everything back they tried to ask me for a job."
I am all for having flaws pointed out so that they can be fixed, this was not the way to do it. At the time I chose not to pursue any legal action because Hibia lives in another country and Tranquility (though now a black hat) was someone I once respected. Plus I was a lot younger and didn't really understand the options I had.
The funny thing is I had already gone and fixed everything in the post linked above (you can now view
controversial and
popular manga from the past month) If they had just sent me an email with their complains a much more mature dialogue could have started, and progress would have been made.